On Demand TV is an open access IPTV & OTT managed services and integrator in the Information Communication Technology sector, focusing on end-to-end IPTV solutions for all market segments.
As a dynamic and innovative ICT services provider, On Demand TV is capable of delivering in systems design and integration of IPTV & OTT platforms. This includes hardware, software, integration and support.
On Demand TV is a leading provider of reliable and quality IPTV platforms in the fixed line and mobile, hospitality, property development, distance learning and government, corporate and healthcare sectors.
On Demand TV is capable of delivering in systems design and integration of IPTV & OTT platforms. This includes hardware and software design and programming. On Demand TV is one of the few IPTV companies able to provide local and international products on similar platform infrastructure and strive to make the total IPTV and ICT infrastructure as easy as possible.
Leading IPTV & OTT managed service provider & integrator by providing excellent services to our clients in the key sectors of the African economy and surrounding Islands.
To offer our clients an industry leading IPTV & OTT managed service and integration service through packaging the right content with the right value-added services.